Our lives flow within a
cyclic current

Our days, weeks, months, seasons and year all move to a dance of change and adaptation.
When we allow ourselves to surrender to lives cycles, and move with her present pace, we welcome ease and grace into our days, weeks, months, seasons and year…


Spring is our waxing moon. A season where we awaken winters wisdom and take action towards our own greater growth and wellbeing.

A time to prepare and build a fertile foundation to sprout uncharted possibilities and adventures.

Doors and windows open and we get our hands dirty in our gardens, making preparations for new life and vitality…ABUNDANCE.

We bring happy colours and lighter fabrics into our homes; filling tabletops with fresh flowers and verdant greens; playing joyful tunes; and inviting movement with Koshi windchimes and sun dancers.

The summer is our Yang full moon. Brightly lit and alive with high energy and sparkle.
A season of harvest and bounty. A time where we gather and come together in a social assortment of festive activities. Where we feel lighter, more fluid and spontaneous within our daily flow.

Our homes open up and breathe with sunlight and pastel hues; wild and bountiful displays of ripe fruits and wildflowers fill our kitchens; abundant and fruitful garden beds colour our surrounds and our social outdoor settings awaken with the promise of community and gathering.


The autumn is our waning moon. A time where we slow down, enjoy our harvest and preserve our energy. Where warmer foods begin to grace our kitchens and spending quiet nights at home become a welcome joy.

This is a time of release and declutter. A time to remove all the excess weighing us down. That may be suffocating our homes, our cupboards, our gardens, our thoughts…

It’s a season for creating spaciousness in our living environment. Where we can lay a foundation of warmth, texture and comfort for the cooler months.


The winter is our YIN new moon. A moment of PAUSE. Internal reflection and inquiry within the dark and still. Where we can reflect on our season’s journeys. And capture the whispers and messages in our dreams and nature walks.

A time where we nest in our homes and listen to our quiet intuitive voice sharing directions for our next adventure. Where we begin again with new insight and wisdom…

This is a time to fill our living spaces with warm, spicy colour tones; wool pile floor rugs; soft window dressings; sunken bean bags; bees wax candlelight and slow cooked meals. Our bedroom spaces become our sanctuaries, where inner connection and nourishment is gifted. A hug of cosy sheets and rich linen tones, soft lighting and gentle aromas.

Our homes are our stories. They are there to hold us through the seasons and life’s cycles of chaos and calm…

When you take a moment to connect with yourself and your home environment, you create a bond of belonging. You create spaces that support and nourish yourself, your family, your community and the land surrounding you…

How will you be present with the cycles and seasons in your home today?

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  • Build and Renovation Feng Shui consultation

  • HOME FENG SHUI consultation 

  • Just a little update
